Half Ironman Relay Recap – A “Relay” Phenomonal Event

Respect. Awe. Accomplishment. That sums up part of my first relay half Ironman experience. 1.2 mi. swim; 56 mi. bike; 13.1 mi. run. Being a third of the 70.3 miles makes a part of me want to tackle the full. Ironman series are elite athletes set apart in their own category.

The Augusta Half Ironman event brought out the tall and small, old and young. When you watch a 71 year old woman attempt to complete the event you are literally in awe of the fact they are competing in the first place.

Relays are a different deal. It must be how Olympians feel waiting to compete in their individual event, on a much smaller scale. The rainy, unseasonably cool, weather wasn’t helping my patience. The race started at 7:30 AM with our swimmer in the water after 8, meaning I wouldn’t be running until after 11. I sat in the chilly rain for an hour before finally finding cover. I fueled a lot and peed a lot. My fight or flight response is to potty. I had enough downtime where I actually thought I wasn’t going to get pumped up to race. Once a few relay bikers came back it was game on. Seeing my hubs run towards me was a blur, I grabbed the timing chip and took off. This was the first race I’ve done with my Garmin and I took off insanely fast, hovering at a 6 min mile. Thank you caffeine PowerBar Gel. From there I settled into a surprisingly 7:40ish pace. I didn’t know if that was good, if I could hold for 13 miles, etc. Eventually I ran as good as I felt, looking down occasionally. Be still my beating heart do I love my Garmin Forerunner.

Hi Mom!

I can say without hesitation my training helped me PR. Final half marathon race time – 1:40. A full 10 minutes off my previous PR. I am always blessed to finish, but there is the competitor in me that wants me better in each race.

It was awesome being part of a team, Andrew killed it on the bike in 2:43 and our swimmer Brandon nailed a 27 min swim. We came in FOURTH. So close to placing! Team: Trying is the first step to failure –

Tri-Ing Is the First Step to Failure #TheSimpsons

But someone who did place, Meghan!! She qualified for the Half Ironman World Championships. The most beautiful freak of nature! Cannot put into words how happy I am for her. Congrats, couldn’t happen to a better athlete.
And Best Dressed goes to this guy right here. My hubs had more people come up and compliment him on his jersey. Better to have Fat Tire than a Flat Tire! If you’re listening New Belgium.

New Belgium Brewery: Will Bike for Beer

Apologies for my long race rant, more to come. I am still running off fumes from my runner’s high. I cannot thank EVERYONE for their sweet words of encouragement, you really have no idea how much it means to have such amazing support.

How was everyone’s weekend?! Are y’all finally getting some fall weather like we are in GA?

25 responses to “Half Ironman Relay Recap – A “Relay” Phenomonal Event

  1. Oh my gosh, you’re FAST!! I love the idea of a team race… it sounds like so much fun & I would think it would be incredibly motivating. Congrats on 4th place- I think that sounds like an incredible accomplishment!

    You’re well on your way to becoming a beautiful freak of nature yourself 😉

  2. Congrats!! You’re super speedy! And way to go on fourth place!!
    I’ve always wanted to be part of a relay race like this, I think it would be so much fun and I think I would push myself so much harder as part of a team!

  3. super fast lady!! 😀 see, I could eventually do something like this… where I could run or bike, no swim!!! 🙂

    I am impressed with, proud of, and motivated by your awesomeness… hope that high lasts a LOOONNNG Time!!


  4. congrats! I guess it makes sense that they do relay Ironmans, I just never realized it! I think that even attempting to compete in an Ironman — half, full, relay or otherwise — makes you an incredible athlete so congrats! and 4th place is awesome 🙂

  5. Congrats on the race! Looks like you guys put in quite the effort! I ran a 5K race on Sunday morning and it felt good to “race” again…although I will never go back to being a competitive runner…my knees are awful!

    Ps. the hubs looks great! Definitely love the outfit! 🙂

  6. HEYO Speedy!! Sheesh, I might hire you as a pacer for my next half. You can stay at Hotel H&D and I’ll provide the food. 😉

    Seriously though, Congrats to you three! You killed it!

  7. Congrats on the PR. I’ve never taken part in a triathlon relay before but that may be one way I can get some exposure to triathlons since currently I don’t really bike or swim although I am interested in triathlons. Good job.

  8. Congratulations on a stellar, speedy performance! It’s so great to be a part of a team event. I totally understand the waiting game of a relay, but that pent up adrenaline definitely works in your favor once you get going.

    So impressive!

  9. This formal congratulations is WAY over-due!! (sorry)

    So…without further ado — congratulations!! You did amazing!! Knocking 10 minutes of your time is an impressive PR, and it sounds like you raced REALLY well! Great job 🙂

    And I’m the same way when it comes to racing. Sometimes I scare myself when I look down at the Garmin and see how fast my pace is, but then I just try to turn off my brain and settle in. If the pace feels good, then I’m sticking with it.

    I loved reading your recap and can totally feel the excitement of the event. It makes me really want to do a relay. Since I’ve never tried a tri, I think that would be a good way to see what it’s really all about.

    Congrats to you and your team!!

  10. Pingback: Race Announcement: 10K Fun Run « Live for the Run·

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